Ascort TSV 1300 2+2 Coupe, 1958, VW-based
Fibreglass 2-seaters for MG, Healey, TR2-3, Austin A40 and others
Km200 (27) and KM300 (8) 2-seater Sportscars by Keith Morrison
JWF, Milano
2-seater sports for road and track, 100+ cars built
2-seater Coupe for road and track, 13 cars
2-seater Coupe for road and track
2+2 Coupe, 3 cars made
Nota Sports & Racing Cars
Wide range of sportscars produced over 50 years, current car is Le Mans
NSW Organisational
Council of Motor Clubs
This organisation oversees the Conditional Registration Scheme
Automotive Photography
Classic Car Photography
Victorian Bolwell member, Tony Shaw, has his own photo website...many photos of Bolwells in action, check it out !
The Light Fantastic
Photos by Ria Ward. She can be contacted on 0413 309 694 and is based in Maryborough QLD, but can travel. I have very reasonably priced packages for entrants and charge no fees to clubs to photograph, for long distance events i would need to charge a travel fee if any club wants me to photograph their event, I have 2 cameras so 2 photographers to capture different corners at the same time
Car Museums
National Motor Museum
This Museum, at Birdwood SA, has a rotating range of cars that usually includes a Bolwell or two
Car Museums
The Australian Motorlife Museum
This Museum, at Kembla Grange, exhibits all aspects of our motoring past - signs tools, petrol pumps, etc Vehicles on show for their Grand Opening include vintage three wheeled Morgan, D8 Delage, 1910 Oakland, Daimler Dart, Aymesbury Chev, and much more.,QTVC9G0VN2YU9BIMYDDZ9SS3FYJKEPUSJ4IPARYIBP95NLT46KB7P77QGX0YG643 181,33,12,National Motorcycle Museum,,Australia's largest collection of vintage, veteran, and classic motorcycles. Around 800 Motorcycles on display. The Museum is in Nabiac NSW, 140km north of Newcastle before Taree on the Pacific Highway.
Sparky - Electrician
Mark, from Wilton, have car, will travel PH: 0414 678 368
Automotive Photography
Ben Galli Classic Car Photography-Bolwell
Outstanding Bolwell Photography. contact:
OHS & Safety
ASBESTOS Safety for Vehicle Maintenance
Asbestos and Safety issue guide for owners
Asbestos Vehicle Safety
Asbestos Support Line
Asbestos Info & Support
Guide for Classic Car Owners
Bolwell Sites
Beven D. Young's Automotive, Motorcycle, Karting Books and Software Web Site
Some information about Bolwells and an Austalian wide listing of swap meets.
Bolly Blog.
A chance to talk mostly about Bolwell Sports Cars
Bolwell Car
Classic Car Talk: Articles - Member Forums - Design - Restoration - Collectables
Bolwell Car Club of Australia
For information about the various clubs and events around Australia, history of the marque, merchandise, cars for sale.
Bolwell Car Company
For information regarding the 2008 Nagari
Bolwell Corporation
For information on composites
Bolwell. An Australian Icon - The Book
Purchase this book on the history of Bolwell by the award winning writer Rob Luck.
Nagari. The ultimate Retro Supercar
It has a classic Retro-crafted convertible body based on Australia's iconic sportscar. Project Nagari is a program to build a fully road-registered Retro Supercar from the original and acclaimed Concept Car/Showcar.
Red Motors...and anything else that floats my boat.
Certified car nut, especially into Australian sports cars, Bolwell Mk7 and LC Torana GTR owner.
SA Bolwell Club Facebook group
Dean, from the SA Bolwell Club, has started a Facebook group
The Ikara Project
The ultimate Bolwell Ikara website.
Nagari Roadster feature
Bolwell Car Club of NSW BCCA NSW 76 Inkerman Road Balaclava NSW 2575
Manage your car club online with